
Alabama Angel

Friday, July 2, 2010

Getting To Know You

Here are 8 Questions

I ask, you can comment & answer. Also, my answers are down below.

1. Have you ever snooped around someone else's house?

2. Can guys and girls be friends?

3. Can you curl your tongue?

4. Have you ever stolen anything?

5. Would you rather talk on the phone or text?

6. Independence Day plans?

7. What do you do to relax?

8. Do you do anything to honor those that have died fighting for our freedom?

Here are my answers:

1. Have you ever snooped around someone else's house? only if I was babysitting & the kids were looking for something they lost, etc.

2. Can guys and girls be friends? of course! Everyone has friends & not all of them have to be the same as you. that is how yoru life experiences get enriched. You have a wide variety of friends.

3. Can you curl your tongue? Of course I can! I have MANY talents! hehe

4. Have you ever stolen anything? no! I don't recommend doing anything that would weigh on your heart & mind.

5. Would you rather talk on the phone or text? It depends on the circumstance. If it is business & there are #'s to relay, text is a very handy tool. If someone is sick, you need to call.

6. Independence Day plans? I plan on spending the day with my hubby.

7. What do you do to relax? Get a glass of tea & a book

8. Do you do anything to honor those that have died fighting for our freedom? My husband is a soldier, several Uncles are former soldiers & both Grandfathers. While none of my immediate family was lost fighting for our freedom, I feel that I sacrifice on a daily basis to continue the work those who died fighting for our freedom stood for.

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